International action-day against the EU-Turkey-deal


International action-day against the EU-Turkey-deal

The best hotel of Europe, the occupied City Plaza in Athens, published another call for dezentalized action sin refernce to the 2nd anniversary of the EU-Turkey-Deal. From the call: 

Stop the EU Dirty Migration Deals

City Plaza: International call for the 17th March 2018 - European day against all anti-migration policies between states

17m18CommonStruggles: Stop EU's Dirty Anti-Migration Deals

People from all over the world flee war, poverty, torture, political, ethnic as well as religious persecution and slavery with the hope to arrive and settle in Europe. But even inside the EU migrants face terrible conditions. Instead of fighting against the causes of migration, the EU is doing everything to stop people from coming. It externalises its borders through deals with other states in an attempt to keep the suffering of refugees out of sight. These arrangements aim to keep people from reaching EU-territory and easily aggravate the situations in transit countries. (…)

On the occasion of the International Day Against Racism and two years after the signing of the EU-Turkey deal we will take again the streets on the 17th of March! Join our fight Let's fight together against the EU-border regime and struggle with us for a world without nations and borders! 

Take action wherever you are and be part of this international day of action!

Stand up against the criminal regime of Fortress Europe!

Stop Europe's funding of slavery in Libya! 

Stop Wars on Migrants!

For freedom of movement and safe passages!

#OpenTheIslands !

Refugee Accommodation and Solidarity Space City Plaza



Twitter: @17m18ActionDay