About us
AntiraKompass – Platform of the anti-racist movement
What do we offer? This platform provides an overview of important dates and mobilizations as well as different groups and networks in the field of flight, migration and anti-racism. As a compass of the anti-racist movement, all interested parties should be given better access to the diverse local to transnational initiatives and campaigns. In the short (self-)descriptions you will find further information and links and addresses through which direct contact can be made. Since March 2012, we have also been sending out a monthly newsletter with up-to-date information and dates.
Who are we? The initiatives and contacts presented on this website are primarily grassroots groups. Whether as self-organized refugees or migrants, whether in a "mixed" composition or in solidarity support: We are active in groups that see their focus in the development and strengthening of daily social and political struggles against racism and disenfranchisement.
What do we want? Anti-racist movement is alive in a variety of thematic issues and campaigns, sometimes at the local level, often supra-regional or nationwide, and increasingly in a transnational dimension. We repeatedly defend the rights of individual affected persons – as concrete intermediate steps and in the knowledge that more fundamental changes can only be achieved in collective struggles. We argue about many small improvements – in an attempt to pave the way to another, more emancipatory society. Our central demands for global freedom of movement and equal rights for all stand in this perspective, in which racial divisions must be combated and so-called migration management and any border regime abolished.