Berlin: Manifestation and Demonstration
Solidarity with the pro-democracy movement in Togo – no political-military collaboration with the regime in Togo!
Manifestation at 11.00 a.m: Embassy of Togo, Grabbeallee 43, 13156 Berlin
Demonstration at 14.00: Department of foreign affairs, Werderscher Markt 1, 10117 Berlin
— Freezing of socalled development aid funds to he state of Togo as long as the president Faure Gnassingbé is not willing to give off his power and as long as protests of the people are oppressed!
— Stop the political support of the regime in Togo!
— Stop the collaboration with the military in Togo! No export of military- and police equipment to Togo!
— No deportations to Togo!
Further information and videos about the recent situation in Togo: