Kompass-newsletter No. 110 - 12/2022
9 and 10 December in Geneva: Protest and demonstration in front of UNHCR headquarters +++ New information on the racist massacre in Melilla +++ Aegean: further murder at the external border +++ Central Med: Echoes no. 3 published +++ New newspaper of Afrique-Europe-Interact +++ Overview figures of Frontex and UNHCR on 2022 +++ Review: Demonstration in Dortmund in memory of Mouhamed Lamine Dramé; Youth without Borders on IMK in Munich ++++ Outlook: Decentralised CommemorActions on 6 February 2023; Transnational Social Strike meeting on 10-12 February 2023 in Frankfurt ...
Dear friends!
On the occasion of International Human Rights Day on 10 December 2022, a special mobilisation is taking place in Switzerland. Refugees in Libya, in cooperation with the transnational solidarity network, is calling for a joint demonstration in front of the UNHCR headquarters. "From Tripoli to Geneva" the demands for evacuation, justice and security are to be carried. The background is a "historic act of self-organisation under the harshest conditions": a more than 100-day sit-in protest of up to 5000 refugees from October 2021 to January 2022 in front of the UNHCR building in Libya.
Some of the speakers and participants have made it to Europe in the meantime and will be leading in organising the press conference on 9 December and the subsequent rally. They will present their experiences and their criticism of the UNHCR in speeches and with video projections. unfairagency.org has meanwhile been activated as a new platform of accusation against this UN organisation, whose actual mandate is the protection of refugees, but which has increasingly mutated into an instrument of the EU border regime, especially in North Africa.
The Solibus will leave Berlin on 8 December and travel via Frankfurt and Freiburg to Geneva - and tickets are still available at short notice! Support groups from Italy, France and especially Switzerland are mobilising for the two-day protest in Geneva. The common goal is to make the voices of those who are still being held in closed camps after the eviction in January 2022 unmistakable on Human Rights Day in the UN capital and to give more visibility to the struggles and demands of the refugees in Libya.
On a personal note: the next Kompass will be published at the end of January 2023, in time to promote the decentralised CommemorActions on 6 February.
Until then, with solidarity greetings,
the Kompass crew